Are you facing a new, strange season? Perhaps you’re recently retired, empty nesting, or widowed. Maybe you’re starting a new career or raising children. No matter your season or circumstance, you always have at least one of the following three things to offer:
- Time. When kids are young, a parent’s time is broken into small increments. There’s very little capacity and a million demands. But as we age, we settle into a slower, more manageable pace where we can volunteer or serve in unique ways. Do you have time you can give to someone in need or to an organization you care about?
- Talent. Whether you’re in the process of building a career or preparing to retire, you have talents and skills you’ve developed that can benefit others. Is this a season where your talents can help bring advancement or attention to a cause you’re passionate about? You can advocate for a not-for-profit mission in many unique ways.
- Treasure. Many older adults find themselves less physically equipped to volunteer, but more focused on the legacy they’ll leave behind. These individuals carry a deep treasure – a legacy of wisdom and beliefs they want to pass along to loved ones, or a legacy of generosity to organizations like Arbor Hospice.
What season do you find yourself in? If you would like to learn more about how you can leave a legacy of generosity and care for patients and families in their end-of-life journey, please contact Stephanie Le at 248-346-4253 or
Learn more about how you can offer your time and talents by clicking here.