If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you’re not alone.

Arbor Hospice understands the significance of losing a loved one and the impact it can have on an individual. The Grief Journey Program is staffed by Masters-level clinicians who are specially-trained to work with grief-related issues. A variety of in-person and virtual support groups and programs are offered throughout the year.

Because each person copes with grief in a very personal and unique way, Arbor Hospice’s Grief Journey Program offers services—free of charge—to help you explore, understand, and express the grief that is exclusively yours.


Because grief is a healthy part of the healing process, Arbor Hospice begins with providing support the moment a patient is admitted. Our highly skilled grief counselors–all Masters-level clinicians–work closely with children, teens and adults, offering services wherever they can bring the most healing including schools, workplaces, senior centers and places of worship. 

Our counselors provide a safe and supportive environment to express feelings, better understand the grief process, and connect with others.

Registration is required to attend all groups. The Group Facilitator leading the group or seminar will provide the information needed to participate. 

Grief After Dementia>

Hope After Loss >

Journey Through Grief >

Living On>

Memorial Services>

Men Overcoming Loss >


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Grief is a healthy part of the healing process, but it can be complicated and can last for months or years. There is no timetable for grief, and no two people experience it in the same way. Without help or support, grief can lead to isolation and chronic loneliness. Research shows that most people can recover from loss if they have support.

That is why Arbor Hospice’s Grief Journey Program offers a variety of programming designed for those who have experienced loss. Arbor Hospice’s expert teams include highly-trained staff who assist patients and families in working through feelings of fear, depression, guilt, anger, and other common emotions.

Compassionate spiritual care is a vital component of how Arbor Hospice supports patients and families at end of life.

This support goes beyond medical care, which begins with affirming a patient’s life story, recognizing the individualized experience of their illness, helping patients work through complex emotions, while focusing on maintaining their humanity and dignity.

Integral to care team, Spiritual Care Advisors hold sacred space for patients so that they can connect with their beliefs, find peace, meaning, acceptance, or reconciliation, no matter what faith they practice.

For those who do not practice a specific faith, spiritual care advisors can help patients and families cope with the universal human experiences and needs that arise as life-limiting illness progresses.

The grief support process begins the moment a patient is admitted. Expert grief counselors work closely with family members throughout a patient’s illness and beyond.

Highly-skilled grief counselors work closely with patients and families when they need support, including children, teens, and adults. Additionally, a host of in person and virtual programs are available to anyone in the community who has suffered a loss. Arbor Hospice honors requests and can bring programing to schools, workplaces, senior centers, and places of worship. 

Because grief is a healthy part of the healing process, all Grief Journey Program services are free of charge to anyone facing the loss of a loved one.

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you’re not alone. Arbor Hospice offers several ongoing opportunities to join support groups, either virtually or in-person, throughout Michigan’s lower peninsula.

If you would like to join an in-person group, please contact the Grief Support Services Manager leading the group you would like to attend. You will be provided with the information you need to participate.

Joining a virtual group is very simple—you can join by phone or by computer. You can join any virtual group you wish and are welcome to join more than one.

To learn more, read the program descriptions (above). To find the right grief support group for you, view our calendar to see upcoming programs, times, and locations. You can click on the calendar program links to register where needed.

Arbor Hospice’s highly-trained grief counselors are available to work with children of all ages—before and after the death of a loved one—to help children express and process emotions, share their feelings and worries so that they can heal from their pain.

Camp Good Grief is a free program designed for children ages 8-17 who have experienced the death of a loved one. This one-day camp combines fun and adventurous activities with grief education and emotional support facilitated by grief professionals and trained volunteers.

Helping Grieving Children and Teens: Educational Resources for Caring Adults is a downloadable guide that contains information about how to talk to and help children of all ages and experiences manage their grief.

For children, the grieving process can be difficult—every child grieves in his or her own way. Adult caregivers may wonder how best to support a grieving child. This guide helps adults identify when children and teens may require additional support. It also includes a comprehensive list of suggested reading and resources for children and teens.


The journey of grief can be challenging. Often the right words or reflection can help us to make it through the day. Sign up here for our short weekly affirmations. To subscribe, just enter your email address below.

Three playlists—curated by grief support professionals and board-certified music therapists—to support your Grief Journey.

Short audio sessions to help you navigate your grief journey, hosted by John Canine and Eli Zaret.

This video series includes guided meditations, breathing exercises and guided acupressure segments designed to facilitate and support self-care.